Bruce Pass Oz Experience
Flexible hop on hop off bus pass that allows you to journey from Sydney to Cairns or Cairns to Sydney
Nimbin Day Tour
Surf and stay at Spot X Surf Camp at an amazing beach!
Get taken to the best places by Aussie guides
Ultimate farm stay at Aussie Cattle Station
Travel with groups all up for a laugh
Lots of discounts - accommodation, activities, food and beverage
Check out the sectors
Currently we are offering a price beater on the Oz Experience Bruce pass, so if you find it cheaper anywhere else please let us know! We have travelled to all of the itinerary stops and researched the destinations extensively, so if you need some help or advice on what to do with the Bruce pass let us know!
You can request trip notes by hitting the trip notes button to get further information, or you can email us or chat to us on Skype.
There are 3 routes for this pass
Sydney to Cairns or Cairns to Sydney. Recommended travel time: min. 20 days
Melbourne to Cairns or Cairns to Melbourne.REcommended travel time: min. 26 days
Adelaide to Cairns or Cairns to Adelaide. Recommended travel time: min. 31 days
The Oz Experience Bruce pass does not include accommodation, but we can bolt on accommodation packs with well known backpacker hostel chains, and we can also organise starter packs like the exciting Wake Up pack, including big backpacker nights out and the legendary jet boat in Sydney harbour.
If you are looking to do all the fun stuff on the East Coast why not join our Ultimate Austrailia trip. This trip includes 3 nights in Sydney, a surf trip, surf lessons, a few nights accommodation, a sky dive etc.