What a remarkable shit achievement (excuse the pun). You get to the top of the Genus by becoming the largest and strongest of your kind. But why what is your purpose? Well allow me to divulge… To lug mounds of shit that weigh more than you do home. And if that sounds bad (which, quite frankly is) when you get that shit home that is your dinner. Yes poor dung beetle, you have my sympathies.
Today I got up close and personal with one of these fellas, I went to Johan’s place where Cornell and the Danish harem were as well. We all had a Braii (BBQ) together and had a few drinks, at some point n the evening a dung beetle happened to fall into my plate of food (now there is a shit food review if ever I saw one!). Cornell took it upon himself to show me how strong these beetles are. I took the thing in my hand and closed my palms around him. In his attempt to get out he pushed against my hands and I struggled to contain the thing. Very impressive I thought. Okay, not like THE most impressive achievement I have ever seen, but pretty cool none the less.

Other achievements for the day were as follows. I had a shave for the first time in 3 weeks, in the process I sculpted an outrageous PORNSTAR BIKER TASH. A handle-barred monstrosity: belonging in the domain of the internet chat room groomer. This beauty was so impressive that I decided to wear it all evening. God it amazing what you think you can get away with when abroad.

Also I managed to very nearly wipe out in a plane crash (don’t worry Ma, I’m still in one piece!). I caught a massive thermal when I was landing the Technam. This resulted in me being flung 50 foot into the air just as I rounded out on my landing. This basically meant that just as I was approaching my stalling speed the part of the landing when the plane touches ground, I suddenly shot up in to the air and the started nose diving onto the tarmac at almost 90 degrees to the ground. I managed to recover however.

Thailand gap year | Kenya gap year | Brazil gap year | Tanzania gap year | Mozambique gap year | Ecuador gap year | Namibia gap year | Brazil gap year | Tanzania gap year | Mozambique gap year | Ecuador gap year | Venezuela gap year | | south africa gap year | | australia gap year | | africa gap year | | asia gap year | | Fiji gap year | | New Zealand gap year | fitness holiday | Gap Year Diving

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