
Please note you are responsible for arranging your own visa, xtreme gap cannot be held responsible if you fail to travel with the correct Visa so please check with your local embassy personally.

The following information is meant as a guide, but Visa rules to change often and frequently so do not take this as the current law:

Do you need a Visa?

If you are planning on travelling to Thailand for 28 days or less and you are a British or Dutch or US national then you can get a Visa exemption on arrival. This is valid for 28 days and cannot be extended in Thailand.

If you are planning on being in Thailand the longer than 28 days you will need to pre-arrange a Visa. You can prearrange a visa for 60 days which you can extend to 90 days in Thailand.

There are two ways of arranging of these if you are from the UK. You can either go in person to the Thai embassy in London, or you can post your passport along with the necessary documentation and fee to one of the following Thai consulates.

All the documentation and information you need can be found here.