No doubt you’re suffering from a bout of the New Year blues, whether it was going back to work that brought them on, the British weather, your joyless ‘new year, new you’ diet or a combination of the three. The twinkly lights of Christmas have long since faded and now the only thing to look forward to is bleak weekends when it’s too cold to go out and long days at work spent daydreaming about your summer holiday…

What if you didn’t wait until summer? Going on holiday might seem like a drastic way of cheering yourself up, but it might be just what you need. Plus, it will be easy to get the time off work as not many people go on holiday so soon after Christmas. Albemarle Bond are a good place to go pawn your old jewellery for extra money and make that holiday possible.

Gran Canaria is one of the top destinations visited by Brits during the miserable months of January and February, along with its neighbours Tenerife, Fueterventura and Lanzerote. The Canary Islands enjoy warm, sunny weather all year round and by going there in January or February, you’ll avoid all the families that flock to the islands every summer.

If you’re looking for luxury, Dubai is another popular holiday destination with Brits. In January and February temperatures can reach the high 20s and some people argue that it’s actually better to go there now than in summer, when Dubai becomes unbearably hot.

Dubai might be a little out of your price range, especially after an expensive festive period, but if you’re lusting after beautiful beaches and crystal clear waters, there are more affordable places to go in South East Asia like Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. Flights might be expensive but once you get there, you’ll find that accommodation is cheap if you don’t mind staying somewhere a bit basic.

If you don’t go for a package holiday, make sure that when you book your flights you organise transport at the other end, as well as your accommodation, otherwise you’ll end up on a stressful holiday that will make you feel worse! If the thought of booking flights and locating your passport sounds like more stress than you need, then perhaps you should wait until the summer after all. January can be a bit of a miserable month, but at least if you keep it low key, you’ll have a chance to recover from all the Christmas madness.