Need some motivation to take a gap year?

Many people need some motivation to take a gap year. Working out what you want to do in the world is so important, and a gap year can be  extremely helpful in finding out what it is you want to do. Not always, but you will find out more about yourself, you will speak to others about that they do, perhaps even spark some interest or passion in an area you never knew existed.

The fact is, if you do nothing, you will not change anything, results come from action and ans as almost an incidental, you will probably have the time of your life doing it!

People take a gap year for different reasons, but finding out what you want to do has to be one of the biggest benefits for taking a gap year.

What ever you do though, don´t listen to people like this:

How do you find your passion and pursue it? Take a gap year and do it all!

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