Give me your clothes and your Tuk Tuk.

There are plenty of adventures we have when researching your trips. Every so often we get the opportunity to do something really stupid. Like “borrowing” the keys to one of the mafia bosses prized Tuk Tuks in Thailand. Then running rampage round the island trying to pick up customers for a laugh. I tell you if you are a westerner driving one of these things, not only are you extremely uncomfortable, you don´t half get some funny looks from the Thais.

Here is what happened.

Thailand gap year | Kenya gap year | Brazil gap year | Tanzania gap year | Mozambique gap year | Ecuador gap year | Namibia gap year | Brazil gap year | Tanzania gap year | Mozambique gap year | Ecuador gap year | Venezuela gap year | | south africa gap year | | australia gap year | | africa gap year | | asia gap year | | Fiji gap year | | New Zealand gap year | fitness holiday | Gap Year Diving

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