There’s something amazing about coming face-to-face with a crocodile, literally face-to-face with them, none of this thick protective glass that you get in zoos in Europe, but really being sat a couple of metres away from these awesome and scary predators.
Is something definitely a little bit surreal seeing them on land, where actually they are not that dangerous unless you step on them (please don’t step on them) but in the water is a whole different story.
During the African wildlife conservation adventure one of the highlights of the trip will be visiting a crocodile and snake farm. Africa houses lots of dangerous species of snakes, so it’s much better to meet them in a controlled environment, rather than sitting on the toilet finding a cobra having a shady nap whilst waiting to bite you in the bottom.
During the trip you will go on a crocodile and snake course, learning all about these creatures, which can be actually quite useful in Africa (I know this personally because I once had a boomslang snake trapped in my car on a visit to South Africa).
The crocodile and snake Park is just one of the highlights there are plenty of awesome activities along the way to keep you on your toes. Like a visit to the big cat conservation project a rehabilitation centre for lots of Africa’s big cats, and game drives searching for the big five.