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]]>Taking a gap year is likely to be the best time of your life, but if you are travelling alone the prospect of solo female travel can be quite intimidating. Many people will tell you that travelling opens you up to meeting new people, and that is true, but some Xtreme Gap Year programmes are better suited to people that would like a pre-organised group of people of a similar age. Everyone is in the same boat, and you might be surprised to find out most of our gappers are solo female travellers (about 65%).
You may be considering taking a gap year alone, for what ever reason. Your mates have let you down, differences in where you want to go, or perhaps you just prefer it that way. If you are a solo Female Traveller, you are a little bit more exposed to risk than male travellers. This is mainly through unwanted male attention, but there are some things that can help prepare you for your trip.
The main issue for solo female travellers compared to their solo male counterparts is the threat of sexual harassment from local men and even male travellers. Ironically more often than not the more conservative a country the more harassment a solo female traveller can expect.
Xtreme Gaps Top Tips for Solo Female Travellers.
1: Dress with common sense and be sure you dress appropriately
It is a sad fact that many man in non western countries view Western women as slutty. This impression is largely due to how tourists dress, and the occasional inappropriate behaviour from previous travellers. How you dress has a big impact.The simple fact is that if you dress appropriately and cover up you will invite far less attention than you would otherwise.If you are heading to a conservative Muslim nation, like Indonesia for example then cover your shoulders and leg.
2: Consider travelling in a group
If you are heading somewhere alone where there is an increased chance of harassment like Asia or South America hang out with other travellers! This again will greatly reduce any hassle you might get. Programmes like the North Vietnam Experience, Thailand Experience and Venezuela Experience are predominantly booked by solo female travellers because they provide the security of going in a group and have airport pick ups and local co-ordinators to help you out.
3: Wear a “wedding ring” on your wedding finger!
This actually helps you avoid unwanted male attention!
4: Stay in control!
If you are drunk and a bit wild you will attract male attention! Drinking and travelling go hand in hand, so we are not suggesting you avoid the booze, just be careful about where and when and with whom you choose to party. Drink Spiking happens, rarely, but still happens. This is the case in any country in the world. So never leave your drinks un attended.
5: The kindness of strangers…
If some one approaches you randomly and is overly nice and helpful, as them and yourself why? Some people are natuarally friendly, but others have ulterior motives.
The following programmes Vietnam Experience, Thailand Experience and Venezuela Class Room tend to be more popular with girls (65% female to male ratio on average) and are excellent for proving full support from the moment you land.
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]]>The post Free Travel Guides! appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>Want exclusive access to tonnes of free travel guides written and edited by Xtreme Gappers on plenty of different destinations? Then like our fan page and you are good to go. We take a lot of pride in discovering, reviewing and writing about some of the most exciting travel activities out there, in our travel guide section you can find all the details.
We are constantly publishing new guides so you can subscribe to the library to get notifications of when new ones are released, might give you something to look forward to when you are back off your travels!
If you would like us to write a guide on one of our destinations or activity then let us know through the face book comments system below.
We have guides on traveling to Oz, Guides on Kilimanjaro, Guides on staying safe and how to best prepare for your travels. This is not the kind of watered down crap you find in the lonely planet.
We hope you enjoy reading them as much as we enjoyed writing them. Oh you will need flash to view the guides too. Sorry Ipad people.
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]]>The post Venezuela Adventure Questions appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>Some questions on the Venezuela Adventure Classroom trip.
Seems good value – almost too good to be true. Ok £4k pays for the trip and lessons, but on average would is a person likely to spend in total on this trip? (inc. flights, food, booze, additional excursions, souvenirs)…I know it all depends on the person, but on average??? How much worse off would you be at the end of the trip compared to the start?
Flights to Caracas are remarkably cheap considering the distance- between £400 and £700 return. You then need to get to Barcelona, Skyscanner shows this as about £136 on top.
Venezuela is a cheap country in general, but there is so much included with this trip that you actually spend very little, perhaps you might upgrade to head up angel falls in a helicopter or drink alot of beer (less than a pound per bottle), but even so, £100 a week is more than enough. Much more.
The cheapest meal is 15-20 bsf (Bollivars Fuerte the Venezuelan currency) around 60-80 bsf for night bus camas (night buses) for around 500 km, snacks are for 5-15 bsf. water 5 bsf. The most expensive are tours….4 days los llanos 750 bsf, one day ayuan tepui guide 150 bsf.
At the time of writing it was 6.15bsf to the pound. You can check exchange rates here but remember exchange rate vary depending on the black market and banks. Always try to take USD to South America instead of GBP, they are much more widely accepted (take new notes aswell, not old tattered ones).
Personally, I think this is one of the best trips we offer, and I have been on most!
I think so…you can never have enough info and this sort of trip is a big thing for a lot of people…over £4k outlay and for 5 months. In the 24 week trip itinerary you mention adventure sports training…but what exactly do you mean?
Adventure sports on offer include rock climbing (we have a huge rock climbing wall), ocean Kyacking and trekking in the jungle to name a few.
Also, in the photo there’s a massive anaconda…will there be opportunities for this sort of thing?
Absolutely, you will be in the amazon rainforest, there is always the chance you might see one. Just please, don´t get eaten! All joking aside this trip does give you a real opportunity for a get away from it all adventure. Emphasis on adventure!
IF this is the same trip as was advertised on another site all those years ago, then I assume there is some kind of trip involving hunting for these beasts (??!?) as there was then.
I believe it probably is, our partner has been established there a few years, and has worked with other agents before us.
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]]>The post New Xtreme Gap Brochure for 2013 appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>Pretty exciting news! The new Xtreme Gap Year brochure is ready! If you have not already requested it click the image below.
The last year has been pretty busy for the Xtreme Gap team researching even more incredible places to go and finding even more special activities for you to do.
Really exciting experiences that you just can´t do at home. Travel that is not only benefits you personally but gives you something seriously cool to write home about.
The brochure is interactive, giving you links to videos, galleries and reviews so you can get inspired about ways to escape the doom and gloom of the News and dreary weather at home. There is another way people (and it starts by clicking the brochure link below).
Have a happy and adrenaline fuelled adventure!
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]]>The post Caripe and Guachero Cave appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>There is plenty to see an do in Caripe on the Venezuela programmes. If you are taking your gap year in Venezuela it is a definite must do.
Caripe is en route to the Orinoco Delta so we took the opportunity to develop an extended layover here for variety. we also run conservation volunteer programs there including a reforestation project with research centre and nurseries – but basically is a well known area for coffee plantations and local fruit and veg farming culture.
Accomodation is tents and while there we continue intensive Spanish lessons and do cultural trips including study of Guachero cave (discovered/made famous by Alexander von Humbolt and famous for huge quantity of ‘oil birds’), visits to coffee plantations, fruit and veg farms, and local markets. We also run mountain trekking to waterfalls, caves etc.
You can see more about our Venezuela Gap Year programmes here.
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]]>The post Planning a round the world trip – getting started appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>So you are planning on setting off on a round the world adventure? Good for you!
I love travel and all the exciting things that go with it, and have assisted many people in planning the ultimate round the world trip-
By way of introduction, my name is Oliver Bray and I am one of the founders of Xtreme Gap Year, I take a very hands on approach with our customers and their travel plans (if needed!)
I have been on a lot trips in the past (68 countries and counting so far!) and pretty much been to every continent (well not the 2 poles) with work and for pleasure, so I do have some experience in round the world trips, and all that goes along with it.
Many people really don´t know where to start when it comes to planning a huge trip, understandably so, as there is so much to see and do, so I have created a series of newsletters that can help give you some guidance when it come to planning your round the world trip.
If you are planning on that once in a life time exodus, then check out our round the world section. Customisable itineraries taylor made for you, vetted and researched by us. Sign up on this form and we will send you information on planning your trip Including:
Firstly some things to think about! Planning a trip is a pretty exciting experience, all the place you can go and all the cool things you can see. The people you will meet on the way from all over the world, and the totally amazing adventures out there that await you, but like many you may be wondering where to start.
Most people have an idea of roughly where they want to go before they set off, knowing certainly helps because it enables you to research flights a lot easier, and once you have a route in mind you can get to the really fun stuff. However if you don´t know, start with an Atlas or Google Earth (there is a google earth plugin on the home page of our site – check out the big map). Think about places you have seen on the TV that are of interest and ask your mates where they would recommend!
Your personal budget will make a difference as to where you can go, Africa and Asia is a lot cheaper than Australia and New Zealand, but they all are a very different travel experience. So think about what you want to get out of the trip!
If you want more of a cultural experience head to Africa, Asia or South America, if however you want more of a party and action sports scene, check out Australia and New Zealand and the USA. Just remember the golden rule! Don´t be too greedy! You might have limited time away and spreading yourself too thin can lead to too much travel – sometimes it is best to enjoy somewhere for a while!
Sometimes you can combine both quite easily, like Asia and Australia and New Zealand, other time you will find it is a lot more expensive to add on certain continents to a round the world itinerary. In my experience South America always adds on a significant amount to flight prices so consider where you would really like to go carefully and weigh up the pro´s and Cons. Don´t get me wrong South America is a truly amazing place, but probably worth exploring on its own trip, rather than bolting it onto a round the world trip for instance, especially if you have limited time or funds.
Here is a check list, write it down on a piece of paper, buy a little notebook to scribble down your ideas and do your budgeting, or if you are really nerdy sign up to google documents and start planning your trip saving your stuff online (handy to access anywhere on your travels).
Firstly When can you go? So you may just want to drop it all and head off tomorrow, great if you can, but if you are unsure it helps to set a date! Plan you departure on the flight prices and weather (seasons) at your intended destinations. The most popular time to set of on a round the world trip from the UK is After January 21st. Why? The weather is miserable in the UK and the flight prices have decreased after the Christmas holidays.
Remember if you are heading to the Southern Hemisphere, the seasons are reversed, and if you are heading somewhere Equatorial, to watch out for Monsoon seasons.
Secondly how much realistically can you save? Money is the life blood of travel, the more you have the more you can do, so work out what you can save, and cut costs like there is no tomorrow. £10 goes a long way in Asia! Once you work out how much you can save this gives you an idea of your total budget and what will be realistic. Remember you will always spend more that you think, so double your estimate. May seem like a lot, but it is pretty realistic.
So there you go, and action plan to get you started, with plenty to think about. If you want lots of further tips and hints sign up to this newsletter it contains lots of advice on finding good flights and travel insurance then its on to the fun stuff, some kick ass ideas for your trip…on that note be sure to join our facebook group for access to photo galleries, videos and ideas for travel options!
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]]>The post Mérida Posada Language School. appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>The capital of the state of Mérida sits above an expansive mesa at 1,625 meters above sea level at the foot of the highest mountain in Venezuela. The intellectual atmosphere that emanates from this university-town of 30,000 students is reflected in many of the restaurants, cafes, theatres and cultural institutions of the city. The Andean people of this region live a simple traditional way-of-life still using ancient farming methods.
Downtown in the peaceful Andean university town of Merida, our Andes operation is perfectly located for hiking, horse riding, rafting and mountain biking and we have the world’s longest cable car ride on our doorstep.
The Posada is where most of your classroom based language tuition will be provided and is a three storey building located on the main square. Renovated in 2003, the Posada provides bright and comfortable accommodation, classrooms and recreational space.
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]]>The post Cultural Immersion Weeks appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>During the Adventure Travel Classroom you get the opportunity to interact with the locals and really get to understand modern Venezuela on a various cultural immersion projects. You can choose whether to do this at Merida or Playa Colorada.
You will have a choice of environmental projects and social projects. Social projects include working with established charities such as Don Bosco and Abansa which have an excellent track record providing educational and fun activities for kids from disadvantaged backgrounds. This work is very rewarding AND is an opportunity to put your new found Spanish language skills to practical use! There are placements in Zoos also.
These are not your typical gap year volunteering projects that do more harm than good, but a genuinely beneficial experience for both the locals and program participants.
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]]>The post Pemon culture and Modern Venezuela appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>The Pemon People live in the Gran Sabana in Venezuela, specifically in the Gran Sabana region of Bolivar State. According to the 2001 census there were 15,094 Pemon speakers in Venezuela. During your Venezuela Gap Year you will be able to meet some Pemon people and learn about the culture of the people. This is experienced on the Venezuela Adventure Classroom.
The Pemon were first encountered by westerners in the 18th century and encouraged to convert to Christianity. Their society is based on trade and considered egalitarian and decentralized, and in Venezuela funding from petrodollars have helped fund community projects, and ecotourism opportunities are also being developed – a good example of which is the adventure class room programme.
In Venezuela the Pemon live in the Gran Sabana grassland plateau dotted with tabletop mountains where the Angel Falls, the world’s highest waterfall, plunges from Auyantepui Canaima National Park.
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]]>The post Angel Falls and Canaima appeared first on Xtreme Gap Year Blog.
]]>Angel Falls is the worlds highest waterfall. Words can not express how breath taking it is, so a video will have to do! But don´t settle for you tube, see it for yourself on the Venezuela Gap Year programme we run called The Adventure Travel Classroom.
This is an award winning adventure teaches and improves your Spanish as you visit Venezuela, one of the most beautiful countries in the world.
We spend one week hiking into Canaima from La Paragua stopping in isolated Pemon settlements along the way and sleeping in the wilderness. The second week you’ll live in the Pemon village of Canaima, exploring the area and studying Spanish.
Canaima National Park is a 30,000 km² park in south-eastern Venezuela that borders Brazil and Guyana. It is located in Bolívar State, and roughly occupies the same area as the Gran Sabana region.
The park was established on the 12 June 1962. It is the second largest park in the country, after Parima-Tapirapecó, and sixth biggest national park in the world. It is the size of Belgium or Maryland.
About 65% of the park is occupied by plateaus of rock called tepuis. These constitute a unique biological environment, also of a great geological interest. Its sheer cliffs and waterfalls (including the Angel Falls, which is the highest waterfall in the world, to 1,002 m) are spectacular landscapes.
There’s an optional day trip to see the world highest water fall Angel Falls. Flight back to La Paragua.
Angel Falls (Spanish: Salto Ángel; Pemon language: Kerepakupai Vená, meaning “waterfall of the deepest place”, or Parakupá Vená, meaning “the fall from the highest point”) is world’s highest waterfall, with a height of 979 m (3,212 ft) and a plunge of 807 m (2,648 ft).
The waterfall drops over the edge of the Auyantepui mountain in the Canaima National Park a UNESCO World Heritage site
The height figure 979 m (3,212 ft) mostly consists of the main plunge but also includes about 400 m (0.25 mi) of sloped cascades and rapids below the drop and a 30 m (98 ft) high plunge downstream of the talus rapids.
The falls have an interesting history and many adventurers tales associated with them, one of the most remarkable was how the falls got their name. Not due to the biblical dimentions of the falls them selves but by a hapless little known American Aviator and Gold prospector Jimmie Angel.
On the 9 October 1937, Angel tried to land his Metal Aircraft Corporation Flamingo monoplane El Río Caroní; atop of the falls, but the plane was damaged when the wheels sank into the marshy ground, and he and his three companions, including his wife Marie, were forced to descend the tepui (table top mountain) on foot. It took them 11 days to make their way back to civilization, but news of their adventure spread, and the waterfall was named Angel Falls in his honor.
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