A day of volunteering
First of all, every day is better than the previous one!
We get to learn a lot about sharks by having some lectures and by being free to ask any questions to the crew. Everyone is very lovely, which makes you enjoy more your work and enhance to help more. The days are never too tiring or boring because we get shifts on the boat and on days off there are plenty of activities to do. For example today we have been to Cape Aghulus, where the Atlantic and Indian ocean meet. Can you imagine being on the most southern tip of Africa? Of a whole continent?! The view is quite spectacular!
The accommodation is really nice! So far from the other houses I have seen of the other volunteers this is definitely the most cosy one! The fact that there is a kitchen is nice because we can decide whether to cook or go out for dinner. On the boat we help clients to get ready to go in the cage: like giving wet suits, giving them a mask and weights, making sure everything is ok. But the best part is that we get the chance to go in the cage as well sometimes! And in my opinion sharks are way prettier than dolphins! They are beautiful creatures and they don’t look as frightening as the media tries to convey. The first time I saw one, I was overwhelmed with joy! I always enjoy high adrenaline activities! One thing that I suggest people should know is that chumming is not as bad as it sounds! You get to have a shower at the end of the day so it is not important how much you smell or are dirty! I actually enjoy chumming because it’s the place where you can see well sharks since they are attracted by the smell.
South African people, especially near Cape Town, are really cool people. They are all very friendly although we are always careful not to trust too much. I definitely trust our crew members and the people who work in the volunteer project.
- Our group, great fun!
- Get in!!
- Sunny weather
- Lounging outside the volunteer house
- Great white shark
- Hey Fishy… you will be eaten soon!!!!
In conclusion I can say that I have travelled in many countries, I have an international background myself and this is one of my favourite places I have been. This place is for people like me, who enjoy a mixture of knowledge, education and the sea!
Domitilla Selvaggi