Life is always full of tough choices, however deciding to do your divemaster in Honduras is not one of them.

I mean let’s face it, who would begrudge spending eight weeks living on a paradise island Caribbean, diving every day with amazing marine life, making new friends and feeling free as a bird. Yes our divemaster trainees in Honduras have it tough.

When they come up from the water (of the crystal clear turquoise variety) it’s a horrible dilemma of what beach they want to lie on, or whether to take rum or beer with their evening meal.

Personally I would go for both, because let’s face it when the bright orange fireball sun is setting on the Caribbean horizon, why not reward yourself for making splendid life choices.

Honduras is a great place to do your divemaster, it may not be as popular as doing a divemaster in Thailand, however it’s not far off it. There are definite advantages to doing your dive training here as well, so no wonder it is a favourite place for people to look for work as a dive instructor.

Have a look at the gallery below for more information on Honduras, you can also search this blog for more information on doing a divemaster as well.

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