
E: [email protected]

T: 0044 (0)203 286 7065 (UK)

T: 0031 (0)208 932110 (NL)


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Booking Request

Thank you for submitting your booking form and choosing Xtreme Gap.

Next steps

We shall be in contact with you within 24 hours with an invoice sent via email. If you you are travelling withing 12 weeks this shall be for the full programme ammount, or if you are travelling at a later date, it will be for a €100 booking deposit.

If you have not already done so, why not consider joining our Facebook group to meet other travellers heading out as well?

Join us on Facebook

Travel Insurance

As you will be aware, you must have travel insurance to take part in one of our programmes, we have partnered with essential as they provide specialist gap year travel insurance and very good prices, covering the xtreme activities we opperate. For your convienience you can  get it sorted now using the online form below.

(aged 0-18) :
(aged 19-65) :
(aged 66-74) :
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Essential Travel Ltd and Axa Insurance UK plc are Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Services Authority. Copyright © .

Happy Travels.

The Xtreme Gap Team.

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