Storing information safely whilst you travel


When travelling, information is as important as food and water.


You will be carrying: passport, insurance policies, medical information, credit card details, key contact addresses, travel instructions, tickets, visas – an endless list!

Losing key information is an immense hassle, possibly ruining your time with XTREME.

Photocopies of key documents can be lost or stolen as well plus they double the opportunity for somebody to steal your details and ID.

Identity theft and fraud is on the rise everywhere.  CIFAS in the UK (Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance System) reported 77,500 cases in 2007 and 113,250 in 2011, a rise of 46% over 4 years. A ‘growth industry’ which everybody wants to avoid!


Carrying photocopies could therefore make things worse for you, not better!


So XTREME has teamed up with myTsafe – the world’s ultra-secure online document store where you can keep copies of key information safe and accessible at all times.


How is myTsafe so secure? What does it do that others don’t?

Full details are on the myTsafe website section; ‘ultra-secure’  but key points are:


  • myTsafe is delivered by ‘The Bunker’ one of the world’s most secure Data Centres.
  • Automatic encryption throughout to make your information unreadable to others. Authenticated by VeriSign, the world’s leading Certification Authority.
  • Logging in: Banking style, two stage, double password procedure with ‘anti keystroke monitoring’ to prevent somebody recording your password.
  • Automatic log-off ensures your information is not left exposed, if you forget to log out.
  • Secure password forgotten procedure: you must answer a personal security question (created by you when you set up your account) to receive password reset code.
  • No linking or synchronising with other systems: removes possibility of information being passed on by system error or of creating a ‘backdoor’ entrance from another system.


The Foreign Office also recommends you ‘make copies of important travel documents and/or store them online using a secure data storage site’. FCO – Know Before You Go Campaign.


To get your myTsafe account just go to

Use voucher code XTREME to get 15% off on any of the myTsafe accounts.


Sending and receiving information securely.


Keeping in touch with friends and family is important.

Email is OK for everything except confidential, private or personal information!


With myTsafe you get its unique ultra-secure sharing and ePost so you can communicate important things without worrying about them not ‘getting there’ or falling into the wrong hands.


Just select any item in your account to share with anybody else with a myTsafe account.


So why not get an account for a family member or close friend through XTREME as well?



Anybody can use ePost to send information to a myTsafe account.

ePost puts the information directly into the account so the sender knows that it can only go to the intended person who has to log in to their account to read or view it.

Again perfect for handling private or sensitive information.

Clearly you need an account to receive something – but not to send.

Just tell the sender your account name and they can ePost to you.



It was once said about information…

-       If you don’t need it and haven’t got it – so what?

-       If you need it and haven’t got it – disaster

-       If you’ve got it but don’t need it – reassurance

-       If you need it and have got it – complete satisfaction!


The ultra-secure place to keep confidential and personal information,

no matter what life may throw at you!